Welcome to EventMe.xyz. Register below for full access to kick start your events. First event is always free!
Already registered? Login here.
We use SMS to alert of you of new events you are invited to, cancellations and reminders.
Email is used to message you about new events, reminders and updated.
At EventMy.xyz, we deeply respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. We do not collect, store, or share any personally identifiable information from our users. We do not disclose any user data to third parties, under any circumstances. Our goal is to provide you with a secure, private experience while using our services. For our complete privacy policy, click here.
All emails are sent from hi@eventme.xyz. Please make sure you add to your address book and check your spam or junk folders.

How do you plan events? Is Facebook manager your go to event system?

For me, Facebook events is what a lot of my friends use, but the problem is that not all of them use Facebook anymore. And it seems that Facebook events is the reason why many just can't give up the Social Network. With people moving away from Facebook there has to be a better alternative. Maybe there is, but I don't care, I think I can do it better.
What I have built, and what I had a vision for, was an easy way to plan events of any size with friends or family without any reliance on any Social Media network. I wanted a space where there were no intrusive ads, easy to use and useful notifications.
Welcome to EventMe.xyz.
Create events. Big or small. With many options to hopefully fit most of your event needs.
When you create an event you are given a unique invite code that gives you the ability to start building your recipient list. Share that. You really only need to do this one per invitee, let me explain how it works:
  1. You create your event.
  2. The unique event code is created.
  3. You share that event code in email, text message, Instagram, Messenger, Telegram or whatever way you feel would be best.
  4. When the invitee goes to the link they see brief information regarding your event. If they want to see more like the address they need to register and log in.
  5. If they want to RSVP they need to register also.
  6. Now that the invitee has an account, if they didn't already, they can allow you, as host, to contact them directly in the future through the EventMe site. You network is growing and they become a follower.
  7. The invitee has the ability to add in a phone number for SMS messages (certain situations), email or Telegram integration. All is free to the invitee.
  8. It's that easy. You invite. They RSVP. They give you permission to invite them directly next time.
As you build your followers, as you invite more people and they give you permission to contact them in the future, you can easily manage them in the Dashboard. You can create groups and add any combination of users to as many groups as you would like. Sending your future invites will only be quicker and easier. Have a group that you want to invite to sporting events? Great. BBQ's? Why not. Movie nights? Sure.
Events are easily created from within the web site, either on your computer or on your phone. We have a wide array of options that can make creating events easy:
  1. Specific time or full day events
  2. Adults only
  3. Plus-ones only or allow multiple guests
  4. Pets allowed
  5. Bring your own beverage
  6. Hide or show event list
  7. Food / Potluck - allow guests to enter food they will bring.
  8. Download to popular calendar apps with one click.
  9. Time zone support for anywhere in the world.
  10. A unique code if you want to allow the invitees to invite more guests that they can send to others.
Comments are also attached to the event so guests can interact. Guests can also message the host directly.
Notifications are very important in an event system so we have three different ways of contacting guests.
  1. Email: all notifications will always be emailed. Make sure you check your spam and add donotreply@eventme.xyz to your address book.
  2. Text messages are only sent for two types of notifications: New event invite and event cancellation.
  3. Telegram is a free and robust chat application that allows me to script notifications right to your phone. It's easy to connect and another way to get updates and in my opinion, the best way. If the guest has telegram connected they will be notified through Telegram also.
Notifications are sent when an event is created and 24 hours before the start.
Hosts can also send messages to all invitees or a specific group. Messages to all invitees can be pushed to the comments for that event.
1 Credit = $1
First Mini or Small event is FREE.

Mini Event

A quick event with no added features. Simple. Easy.

  • Email and Telegram notifications depending on invitee preference.
  • SMS notifications for new invites.
  • Event is deleted 7 days after event is over.

Small Event

Most popular

Maybe more than a friend get together.

  • Email and Telegram notifications depending on invitee preference.
  • SMS notifications for new invite and cancellations.
  • SMS notifications for important host updates.
  • Event shared image gallery.
  • Event is saved for 30 days after event is over.

Big Event

Don't limit yourself!

  • Email and Telegram notifications depending on invitee preference.
  • SMS notifications for new invite and cancellations.
  • SMS notifications for important host updates.
  • Event shared image gallery.
  • Event is archived for 1 year.
We are not a social network. We are not here to harvest your data. We do not sell your data and we do not share your contact information. Actually, even the hosts do not see your contact information without your permission. All notifications are sent based on your preferences. We may look and giving you the ability to upload a photo and small description so other guests can view but only with your permission. We want to make your event hosting and attending experience as fun and easy as possible.
Coming soon:
  1. Summary email to event hosts once twice day if comments have been updated along with RSVP recaps.
  2. Pretty up events with a graphic.